Online Fantasy Football League

Current Release

OFFL v0.2.3

OFFL Overview

OFFL (Online Fantasy Football League) is a web application for hosting American-rules fantasy football leagues. Its creation is motivated by two primary factors:

  1. Information management of each hosted league is automated including trades, waivers, free agents, calculation of scores, standings, etc.
  2. Freely-available fantasy football hosting on the net is all but gone.

Consequently, OFFL aims to address these two problems first and foremost.

OFFL is driven by the PHP scripting language with a MySQL backend. It's fully architecture-independent and presumably webserver-independent as well, provided your setup can meet the above criteria. Automated features are enabled via cron or an equivalent scheduler.

Credit Where Due

OFFL is built upon the FFL system, also hosted at SourceForge, created by Don Seiler. Most of the code has been overhauled, but a good portion of Don's design is still visible in OFFL.

OFFL is presently developed by Stephen Rochelle and Brad Schwie.

SourceForge Trackers

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